
Mises Institute celebrates 35th Anniversary

8:16:00 AMGage Skidmore

Over the weekend, the Mises Institute hosted its 35th Anniversary Gala at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York City. The occasion was celebrated by many within the Austrian economics circle, and celebrated the legacy of Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises.

Speakers at the gala included Ron Paul, Andrew Napolitano, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Walter Block, Thomas Woods, Guido Hulsmann, Thomas DiLorenzo, Paul Gottfried, Joe Salerno, Robert Murphy, and several others.

The Mises Institute began in 1982 by Lew Rockwell, Burton Blumert, and Murray Rothbard, and is based in Auburn, Alabama. Each year, the organization hosts events throughout the country, as well as an annual Mises University where students are able to learn about Austrian economics.

The opening night of the event featured a keynote speech by Judge Andrew Napolitano, noted for his contributions to various Fox News programs, and the event concluded with a speech by economist and author Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

You can find photos from the event here: https://flic.kr/s/aHsm6E8NYb

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