
Sotomayor talks with Arizona students amid court vacancy

5:05:00 PMGage Skidmore

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor visited Arizona on Monday, traveling to the state to address the 2017 John P. Frank Memorial Lecture at Arizona State University. Sotomayor is the third Supreme Court Justice to address the group in the past three years, with former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and current Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg addressing the group previously.

Sotomayor notably became the first Hispanic woman on the Supreme Court, a topic she highlighted during her speech. Mary M. Schroeder, a Senior Circuit Judge, was the moderator of the event.

In addition to taking questions from Schroeder, Sotomayor also exited the stage and wandered through the audience and aisles while taking questions that had been submitted by students.

She also spoke about the ongoing situation with the vacant seat left by the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, giving advice to any future nominee, saying that any "good judge" would not predict how they are going to rule on cases.

She said, "Any self-respecting judge who comes in with an agenda that would permit that judge to tell you how they will vote is the kind of person you don't want as a judge."

You can find photos from the event here: https://flic.kr/s/aHskMyY4cf

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