Over the last eight years, CPAC saw itself under the thumb of a Democratic administration, attempting to retake the White House. This year, however, CPAC had its first Republican President since 2008, which naturally brought a whole new perspective to the most high profile conservative conference of the year.
Both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence addressed this year's CPAC. Former President George W. Bush previously addressed CPAC towards the end of his second term, as well as Ronald Reagan for several years during his two terms as President.
Conference organizers were quick to point out that this was the first time that a President had addressed CPAC in their first year in office since Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. Ronald Reagan's son, Michael, was this year's honored guest at the Ronald Reagan Dinner.
In addition to Trump and Pence, some of the newly appointed White House and Cabinet officials addressed the convention attendees, including Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Counselor Kellyanne Conway, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.
The CPAC Straw Poll, which in past years was used to determine who conservatives thought would be best fit to run for President, was instead used to determine the levels of support for President Trump's policies, and decisions thus far during his short time in office. Unsurprisingly, the conservatives in attendance agreed greatly with Trump's positions, and his selection of Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court was nearly unanimous in support.
Other speakers this year included the closing speaker Sheriff David Clarke, Trump's former rival Ted Cruz, Brexit leader Nigel Farage, as well as several Governors who were in Washington for Governors Association meetings, including Doug Ducey, Scott Walker, Pete Ricketts, Paul LePage, Matt Bevin and Sam Brownback.
You can find photos from the event here: https://flic.kr/s/aHskV2cmEV